Now Serving Breakfast Every Day, All Day at Collard Green Cafe!

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Make a Difference in the Tucker, GA Community

At the Collard Green Cafe, we aim to help nourish our community with traditional southern-style soul food. We work with traditional recipes and use modern techniques to keep them fresh and exciting for returning customers to our restaurant and catering programs. This becomes much more than a job once you hear about how you fed a family or gave inspiration for an at-home recipe. Our cooks and front-of-house staff work together to create a unique experience when customers dine-in, carry out, or order catering.

collard green cafe entrees

Come Work With the Collard Green Cafe Team!

Suppose you have an interest in joining the restaurant industry, whether front or back of the house, the Collard Green Cafe could be the spot for you! We are happily accepting applications for available positions and would love to meet with you. Our team focuses on delivering high-quality and fresh southern-style soul food to Tucker, GA and the surrounding metro Atlanta area, whether in our restaurant or through catering services. Simply fill out the application below and let us know what position you think would be the best fit for our team. Please feel free to give us a call if you have additional questions about the position before applying. Our team would be happy to get you the answers you need.

Work With Us

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You Won’t Find a Can Opener in Our Kitchen!