Now Serving Breakfast Every Day, All Day at Collard Green Cafe!

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Traditional Techniques to Create Modern Dishes

Chef James Paige began his culinary journey working at restaurants such as Le Peep and Sizzler Steak House. After working in these types of kitchens, Chef Paige realized he could bring something unique to the residents of Tucker, GA and the rest of the metro Atlanta area. He originally opened Collard Green Cafe as the Paige Catering Company. He specialized in corporate catering, but due to the response he was given by the community, he moved to open a brick-and-mortar restaurant as well as continue the catering operations. From developing the menus, supervising the preparation of meals, and managing all the daily operations, including demonstrating new cooking techniques to the staff, Chef is dedicated to bringing his customers’ traditional southern soul food with modern inspirations that keep them well-fed and coming back for more.

collard green cafe entree

Dedication to High Quality and Fresh Food

In the best interest of bringing customers to the Collard Green Cafe, Chef Paige and his team only use fresh, high-quality ingredients when handcrafting the menu items, whether dining in, carrying out, or utilizing our catering options. Not only do our customers deserve the best food possible when ordering with us, but our team deserves it to enrich their passion for cooking. Many times in restaurants, the quality of food is directly related to the quality of work coming out of the kitchen. There’s a reason your fast food never looks the way it does in the menu pictures. When you come to the Collard Green Cafe, you will get precisely what you ordered every time, and not only will it look delicious, but it will taste great as well. Visit today to experience something different from the Collard Green Cafe kitchen.

Catering Options Help Feed Everyone in Tucker, GA

While the Collard Green Cafe brings exceptional single menu options when you are on the go or need a good spot to sit and eat, we can also provide exceptional options when it comes to catering. Whether bringing corn-on-the-cob for a friendly picnic or you need lunch for your entire corporate office, we have the kitchen, tools, and passion for providing your people with traditional southern soul food.

You Won’t Find a Can Opener in Our Kitchen!